[ Music Coaching for Professionals and Advanced Amateurs ]

Become who
you are

Individually tailored to you: Functional coaching for piano, organ, or voice - online or on-site in the studio

The advantages for you

Solve creative
Integrative Functional Music Education, as Applied by me, helps you to create more and more freely.

Inner imbalance can sometimes prevent us from expressing our creativity. Together we are breaking new ground.

My methods, which have been tried and tested over decades, will ensure that you will practice more and more efficiently. Including great progress.

We all know about failure. Do you feel the desire to be freer from it? Then let’s work together.

About Ludwig Pfingsten

Graduate Music Educator

He studied music education at the University of the Arts Berlin.

Gestalt Therapist

Currently (2018 – 2022) training as a Gestalt and music therapist at the ‘Institute for Gestalt Therapy and Gestalt Pedagogy’ in Berlin.

Vocal Coach (Rabine Method®)

Since 2016, Ludwig Pfingsten has been a certified teacher for the functional singing method, according to Eugen Rabine – Certified Rabine Teacher.

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Note: You can unsubscribe from the music-lessons-berlin newsletter at any time and free of charge. We will only use your data to send the newsletter. We will not share your information. You can find more information about handling user data in our privacy policy.

What types of coaching?

Coaching for
Church musicians

Contact and dates

Directly on WhatsApp

Quick and easy
Studio Piano e Canto - L.Pfingsten

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