Become who you are

Online or In The Studio Piano e Canto. Berlin: functional piano, organ or vocal coaching for professionals and advanced amateurs.

Solve creative blockages

Integrative Functional Music Education, as Applied by me, helps you to create more and more freely.

Efficient practice

My methods, which have been tried and tested over decades, will ensure that you will practice more and more efficiently. Including great progress.

More balance

Inner imbalance can sometimes prevent us from expressing our creativity. Together we are breaking new ground.

More emanation

Inner imbalance can sometimes prevent us from expressing our creativity. Together we are breaking new ground.

Overcoming fears

We all know about failure. Do you feel the desire to be freer from it? Then let's work together.

Erhalte Unverbindlich

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I want to work with you.
How do I book an appointment?

The different types of coaching

  • The development of a singer’s voice is far from over after graduation. Let yourself be functionally guided through this phase.
  • Learn the anatomy of your voice through self-exploration.
  • The new functionalities will soon give your voice the flexibility and security you’ve always wanted for your vocal work.
  • Many pianists who have studied according to the murderous principle of performance suddenly realize that they do not get the learned music theory together with practice.
  • Through sensorimotor skills and intuitive improvisation, you get to know the music from within through your own actions.
  • The theory is then automatically integrated into the game and does not have to be “made up”.
  • Many Evangelical colleagues have studied almost exclusively literary play. Organ is actually the perfect instrument for dialogic improvisation.
  • Starting from well-implemented movements and sound experiments, you will become a real dialogue partner with your own opinion in the divine service or in the Mass.
  • My functional method of song accompaniment makes you independent of any given accompaniment.

Book your personal (online) coaching here

All bookings are subject to the 14-day return policy. All services are purchased via digistore24, immediately after booking an appointment via of coaching: Online via Zoom or GoToMeeting or by appointment at Studio Piano e Canto , Berlin
Unfortunately, the VAT has to be added, because my coaching is not a teaching achievement,but rather an accompaniment to the professional or semi-professional activity.

10 €

Plus. 16% VAT

Monthly subscription

70 €

Plus. 16% VAT

Individual coaching

190 €

Plus. 16% VAT

Online education

Contact me personally

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The easiest and fastest way to

Ludwig C. Pentecost

Some information and facts about me


  • Studied music education at the University of the Arts Berlin.
  • Since 2016, Ludwig Pfingsten has been a certified teacher for the functional singing method according to Eugen Rabine – Certified Rabine Teacher.
  • Currently (2018 – 2022) training as a figure and music therapist at the ‘Institute for Gestalt Therapy and Gestalt Pedagogy’ in Berlin.
  • Studied music education at the University of the Arts Berlin.
  • Since 2016, Ludwig Pfingsten has been a certified teacher for the functional singing method according to Eugen Rabine – Certified Rabine Teacher.
  • Currently (2018 – 2022) training as a figure and music therapist at the ‘Institute for Gestalt Therapy and Gestalt Pedagogy’ in Berlin.
Studio Piano e Canto - L.Pfingsten